Polri Committed to Improve the Service to The Disabilities

- Pewarta

Selasa, 8 Februari 2022 - 11:25 WIB

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Polri Committed to Improve the Service to The Disabilities.  (Dok. Tribratanews.polri.go.id)

Polri Committed to Improve the Service to The Disabilities. (Dok. Tribratanews.polri.go.id)

HALLO PRESIDEN – Data survey from the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) in 2020 shows the number of people with disabilities in Indonesia reached has 6.2 million.

People with disabilities need to get services and protection from the state just like any other people.

It is also the obligation and responsibility of the National Police (Polri) down to the level of the Polda, Polres, and Polsek, to provide quality services to those with disabilities.

The National Police’s commitment to disability groups has been conveyed by the National Police Chief (Kapolri), General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

He said that he will also give the chance to the persons with disabilities to join as Polri, likewise the commitment of Polri to people with disabilities in the field of public service.

The Police strive to continue to improve their service quality.

The National Police Chief has committed to making a police station friendly to people with disabilities.

The National Police Chief has targeted that by 2022 at least 50 percent of all regional units and work units have provided facilities for people with disabilities.

Some of the facilities provided by the National Police for persons with disabilities are; 730 child-friendly spaces, 676 disabled parking spaces, 122 special lanes for disabilities, 1,088 disabled toilets, 100 special disability signs, 1,454 elevators handrails, 320 wheelchairs, 2,468 lactation rooms.

The Police’s commitment needs to be welcomed by the community that they will provide the same quality service to any citizen.

The National Police will also add audio-visual instructions for blind and deaf people who seek Police services with a target of 100 regional units.

Those commitment has already been implemented in 2021, there are already 1,975 child-friendly rooms, 2,604 special signs for disability, 1,250 elevator handrails, 2,582 special lanes for disabilities, 2,028 disabled parking, 236 lactation rooms, 1,616 special toilets for disabilities, and 2,384 wheelchairs.

Everything that has been prepared by the Police is their towards people with disabilities and to provide comfort and security to all groups of people who visit and seek services at the Police office.

In this way, the police can improve their quality of service to the public for the realization of a Precise Police (predictive, responsible, transparent, and fair).***

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