Jakarta Metropolitan Police Ready to Conduct Merdeka Vaccination 2, Targeting Jakarta’s Suburbs

- Pewarta

Senin, 7 Februari 2022 - 14:53 WIB

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Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police Ready to Conduct Merdeka Vaccination 2. /Dok. tribratanews.polri.go.id

Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police Ready to Conduct Merdeka Vaccination 2. /Dok. tribratanews.polri.go.id

HALLO PRESIDEN – Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police is ready to run the second phase of Merdeka Vaccination. This programme is the continuation of the first Merdeka Vaccination held from August 1-17, 2021.

Merdeka Vaccination 2 is a bit different compared to the first phase.

If the previous phase was previously conducted in the Jakarta Capital Region, the second phase commenced in Jakarta’s suburb region, such as Depok, Bekasi, and Tangerang.

“We are planning the Merdeka Vaccination 2 would be held for 12 days starting from September 15.”

” The difference with the first phase is that the event would be conducted from September 14 to 25 in the agglomeration regions of Jakarta”, Chief of PR and Press Agency of Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police, Police Grand Commissioner Yusri Yunus, said.

As information, Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police launched Merdeka Vaccination 1 that targets 3,060,000 Jakartans to get vaccinated from August 1 to 17 in order to create herd immunity as the gift of the 76th Indonesian Independence Anniversary.

To make the programme a success, Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police has accepted logistical help from the donors.

This aid had distributed to 900 Neighbourhood Associations in Jakarta.

“We accepted the aid from BCA, Gojek, BNI, Siloam Hospitals, Alodokter, Indonesian Red Cross, and creative ideas from the students”, Chief of Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police said.

Chief of Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police also said that the programme is a cooperation with many public elements without involving structural medical workers such as the ones in the hospital or public health centre.***

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